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What Are the 3 Keys to the Best Copier Repair and Maintenance Contracts?

If you choose office copiers and printers for your business, you know that some time-consuming and complicated steps can be taken in the process. You have to consider what features and skills you need first of all. You would then look at the labels and models and select a supplier. Then the correct lease comes in. The last step in copying service contracts may become an afterthought after all this effort. Do not presume that all contracts for copy service are the same. We will disclose some stuff you should know in this post, so you can make sure you have the price structure of the copy service that works best for your company.


3 Keys to Consider In Choosing the Right Copier Service Contracts

  • Separate leases from copier service contracts. As you might already know from past experience, it is just as important to choose the service provider as the equipment. After all, you will rely on that provider for timely supply of supplies, fast reactions to service calls and quick back up and activity. If these things don’t do well, even the best quality copiers and printers will cause you to face costly business interruptions.

  • Select the appropriate copy business contract billing period. In addition to the quantity of prints and copies, the right billing period for a copy service contract is important to select. Will you, for example, be paid monthly, quarterly, or half-yearly? This is a significant option which has more influence than how many times you have to send a check. The price for copy-service contracts shall be dependent on your billing period copy and print amount. For example, you might pick 1000 copies per month for a monthly billing period. However, such requirements may be best suited to your needs in a quarterly or semi-annual billing period. Schools are a good example of that. In the fall, winter, and spring copiers and printers are used extensively, but in the summer very little. In this scenario, a quarterly billing period helps you to decrease your summer quarter volume projections and prevent copies from being billed. It also occurs in the opposite case. In the spring, accounting companies are super busy printing and copying tons so they can profit from quarterly copy service contracts, which add volume during their busy time.

  • Rightsizing copier service contracts. A major pricing aspect is focused on your projected copying and print volume for copier service contracts. That means that you can do your utmost to get a specific evaluation of how much the new equipment you are going to print and copy. Don’t go to your previous copying arrangement with the volume automatically. Those figures may be off for several reasons. For instance, on this old agreement you might have been oversold and have paid more than you have wanted a long time. On the other hand, you can upgrade your volume if you replace older desktop printers by a shared multifunctional button. That is why it takes time for a reasonable estimation of the amount that you need to print and copy.Take note of future plans. Don’t just look at what you did in the past when you work out your copy service figures. Think about what will happen to your company in the near future. In order to generate sales materials, for example, you could use your office printer. If you add new trade shows or otherwise increase your sales and marketing activities, more of those brochures, letters and leaflets may be needed in the coming year. If your company plans to expand, merge or decrease, your copy and print volume will also be affected by the plans.Estimate low when in doubt. Since copy service contract rates are based on your estimation of volume, you will end up paying more than you have to if you estimate too high. But we are always suggesting that if you get small overhead payments daily, it means you don’t pay too much for copies that you don’t need your volume figures on the spot. The only exception to this guideline is to carry over the copies that you don’t use every month by your service provider. Especially when the volumes of your prints fluctuate unpredictably, during the busy time, something you do not use will be made up.
By Geraoma - Own work, Public Domain,

Are You Looking for Copy Machine Repair Service Near Concord, California?        

Office Machine Specialists has been servicing and selling office equipment since 1995. A family run business that has dedicated our efforts to providing the best equipment options and after-sales service to our clients. Our goal is to ask the right questions and guide our customers to make smart decisions about new machine leases and purchases.  We were servicing copiers long before the internet was a viable resource, and have transitioned to the digital workflow environment of color printing, scanning, account control and fleet management. With over 20 years in the industry we have extensive experience with many brands and consider OMS to be a valuable resource to any organization. Contact us for all of your copier needs here!