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Providing police services to Walnut Creek requires a specific confidence provided to us by the public to uphold and administer the law equally and impartially. As public servants, policing includes, and needs, thousands of encounters with the public and the society we represent. These interactions are frequently in times of crisis and turmoil, and can grow quickly and in unexpected directions. This manual can not predict every aspect of policing, nor can it adequately anticipate all the possible scenarios that employees of this Department may experience.

This manual helps to set up a system of rules and expected results for all members of the department so that we can fulfill our task of serving the community while still maintaining our ideals of protection, service and honor in any step we take. Every employee is equally important and plays an important role in our efforts and evaluating our success. Police in the City of Walnut Creek demand that we collaborate with the community to address long-term issues.

As a community partner, all staff can work collaboratively with both department members and community members. Together we will collaborate to define and prioritize concerns within the organization and the community in order to create solutions to mutually concerned problems. We will be careful in communicating with each other and with the public, and understand how our actions will affect others. Never lose sight of the trust and faith our community has put in the Walnut Creek Police Department.

We have to work every day to preserve that confidence and that honesty. — Walnut Creek Police Department members are expected to familiarize themselves with the instructions contained in this manual, and seek guidance and clarification from a supervisor when necessary. If there is a matter of reading this document, then the interpretation lies with the Police Chief. It is highly expected that staff can send their suggestions if there are proposals for positive improvements to increase the quality and effectiveness of our operation. This manual will be revised as needed to reflect changes in the law, personnel roles, and priorities and objectives of the Department.

By Geraoma - Own work, Public Domain,
By Geraoma – Own work, Public Domain,

Walnut Creek, California serves its citizens in various capacities for a number of services.  Here’s a great list of local government offices: 

  • Walnut Creek City Council
  • Walnut Creek Streets-Building
  • Walnut Creek Traffic Operation
  • Walnut Creek Public Services Department
  • Walnut Creek Cultural Services Department 
  • CalPERS Walnut Creek Regional Office 
  • Walnut Creek Planning & Zoning
  • Walnut Creek Superior Court

All of these wonderful city government offices are located just a short distance from our location at 1091 Shary Circle in Concord, California! Stop by for a visit anytime!