How Much Do You Really Know About Copier Sales?

When it comes to buying or leasing a copier, most people think they know what they’re doing. After all, it seems like a pretty straightforward process: you pick the model you want, agree to the terms, and you’re done. Right?

As it turns out, there’s a lot more to copier sales than meets the eye. In order to get the best deal on a copier – or avoid getting taken advantage of – it’s important to understand the basics of this market. So if you’re in the market for a new copier, keep reading! We’re going to break down everything you need to know about copier sales.

What Are Copier Sales?

Copier sales are the process of selling copiers to businesses and other organizations. Copier sales can be when dealers buy copiers from copier suppliers and resell the copiers at a higher price to buyers.

People in copier sales can be anyone. However, they must have an interest in copiers and know how to sell them in order to do the job well. This means they should know about copiers and what they do and also know how to sell them and pitch their abilities to help copier users out when it comes time for copier replacement or new printer purchases.  

This is not always an easy task, especially when someone may not understand exactly what copiers do or even the copier technology that is included. However, copier salespeople are usually well-versed in copiers and copier technology because this is their job.

How Much Do Copier Sales Make?

If you are thinking about copier sales as a career, the first thing that will cross your mind is how much can someone actually make. This article will answer these questions and more by exploring copier sales and copiers in general.

How much does a copier sale typically bring home for copier sales representatives? $50,000 to $250,000 or more! And this is just an estimate — some copier representatives earn more than this amount while many earn less.

Copier sales have become a multi-billion dollar industry. And with copiers continuing to develop technologically, copier sales are expected to increase as well. Copier sales can generate a lot of money for your business. Depending on the copiers that you have and how many copiers you own, copier sales could be a great way to earn extra revenue.

The copier industry is one of the most lucrative office equipment markets in both China and India. Also, copiers are considered to be one of the fastest-growing home appliances along with high-definition television sets. Copier sales make up 15 percent of all US office equipment sales.

What’s A Reasonable Price For Copier Sales?

Oftentimes established firms will quote the lowest price for copiers possible to win your business – before marking up the cost significantly when it’s time to sign on the dotted line. Therefore you should expect copier sales prices that are reasonable according to any criteria that you specify. Just remember that copier sales reps can point out just how much you might save by accepting their copier quotes.

Even though copier sales reps are particularly well-trained in the copier industry, they remain human representatives of copiers for hire. This means that you should not let your guard down around them. They may try to take advantage of copier buyers’ lack of knowledge to persuade them into shady deals or high price tags. So, make sure you compare copier prices at least 3 different copier companies before agreeing on one firm to handle all your copiers for sale needs.

Used Copy Machines

Should I Consider Copier Price Increases Over Longer Terms?

This is one of the copier buying tips that all copier buyers should come to appreciate. Some copier sellers would only offer their copiers at extremely low prices, thinking that it will be hard for copier buyers to find another copier seller offering cheaper copiers.

But these copier sellers won’t tell you about how expensive copiers maybe if they are purchased over a term longer than 36 months. This is because most individual copier buyers pay cash for copiers or use personal credit cards to finance copier purchases, and therefore they don’t need to consider monthly installment payments when looking at the cost of the copiers.

What happens, though, is that after 24 months, those cheap copier prices will not be so cheap anymore, because copier manufacturers will often raise copier prices after 12 months of copiers being on the market. A lot of copier buyers end up paying more than they need to for copiers, simply because they didn’t consider copier price increases over longer terms.

What Should I Look For In Copier Sales?

Here is a copier sales checklist of things that you might want in your copier:

  • Copiers with network capability. This allows all computers in an office building to access and use one copier.
  • Large paper capacity for printing group projects.
  • Copiers with automatic two-sided copying capabilities to save paper and money
  • Copiers with low price replacement toner cartridges to keep costs down and reduce environmental impact.
  • Copiers with internet faxing abilities in case email ever become obsolete

So, what have we learned about copier sales? First and foremost, they are a vital part of any office or business. They can be used to print, scan, and fax documents. And while the price of a new copier might seem daunting at first, it’s important to remember all the features and functions it will offer your team not to mention the years of service and support you’ll receive. Give us a call today to learn more about our copiers and how we can help you find the best one for your needs!

Are You Looking for a Photocopier Near Concord, California?      

Office Machine Specialists has been servicing and selling office equipment since 1995. A family-run business that has dedicated our efforts to providing the best equipment options and after-sales service to our clients. Our goal is to ask the right questions and guide our customers to make smart decisions about new machine leases and purchases.  We were servicing copiers long before the internet was a viable resource, and have transitioned to the digital workflow environment of color printing, scanning, account control, and fleet management. With over 20 years in the industry, we have extensive experience with many brands and consider OMS to be a valuable resource to any organization. Contact us for all of your copier needs here!